School Started Part I

The beach house vacation finally marked  the end of summer. School started yesterday the 8th. Everyone seems to enjoy the New Academic Building, so do I. Even though I worked there over the summer, but it feels much different with a lot people in it. Classrooms are also not as small as they described before summer, they are actually really nice!

Oh wells, the first day I only had one class---physics recitation with Professor Wolf, the hardest class I took last semester. I don't really know why physics seems so hard last semester (lazzzzzyness prob? ), but this semester definitely seem much harder than I can handle with last semester's method----work harder, and don't sleep in every single semester (yes, for the record, I did sleep in EVERY SINGLE MECHANICS LECTURE and EVERY SECOND HOUR of MECHANICS RECITATION). Also, for the record, I did fall asleep today during the 2nd hour of E&M recitation (ah.. :mrgreen: ) Without a girlfriend, maybe I can use those free time to study better..

Alright, time to sleep, morning classes tomorrow......

Recent Life

Summer has almost reached its end, so it's time to quit the Dota world now. Things did not go well recently, ~Rejection of my student visa marked the end of my "pending" status. ~At the same day, my first relationship has also reached an end (06/24/2008-07/24/2009 approx. 11months) The pessimistic life made me stop on my Bmark site....... and during the past month, a lot...a lot new URL shortening services went into the market with overlapped features with my Bmark.Me. Not only that, today's lifehacker post has even demonstrated how to set up one's own URL shortening service.


time to get back to the original flavor....

Garena Host Drop Method...Investigated..~

Recently I started playing W3C TFT on Garena since my (friend mike's ) CD-key were banned due to excessive 'dual use'. And that Garena actually keeps records of your gaming stauts. Sometimes, however, in Garena the Host can just drop people from the other team when he is lossing.

I thought for a while and tried my guess on how it works.

The way to do it without any tool is fairly simple:

1. While lossing, just tell people that you will remaking. 2. TURN OFF YOUR WIFI/UNPLUG YOUR ETHENET CABLE. 3. Tab back to the game, wait for 30sec-1min. 4.  Keep pushing...the game is urs!

This is yea...same policy as other cheating things I made, They are just for entertaining purposes, I am not taking the responsibility of irresponsibility.

Back to the ideas... So I wonder how do you only kick certain people? Then I realized that Garena just mimicks LAN, so that you can simply Block some users from accessing your computer, simple as that do believe general firewalls can achieve those in Advanced Settings.

However, if you are a computer noob, there is what i suggest you do: 1. Tell your teammates / friend to stay ~ 2. Then excute the drop method.

anyhoO~~~..just a simple hack for fun~

Sinovision Photograph Contest ....with CURL

Between July 4th to August 4th, the U.S Chinese Community Channel Sinovision is hosting a photograph contest with "Summer" as its theme. My mom entered it. Apparently she has the best picture over there, with a natrual 1000 hits in one day, and was selected as the best picture so far by However, she did not receive the highest hits, because the top five are all cheaters.

So......As a son, I stood out...taking one minute to change a CURL refreshing code I wrote before and a few minutes to understand the machanism of the site, I realized how easy it is to "hack" it.

Running 10 CURL scripts from 3 different servers, I had reached my highest speed of 500 hits per minute, and in a fairly fast speed we become #1 within an hour (running time only, because I stopped in the middle a few times).

This morning, I saw that the second place cheater is catching up...... So I let him catch up.....almost hit my number than I started my scripts again(from only 1 server, 5 instances).

Result: Score ratio is 12,000: 3,000 The other guy gave up. The site received too much volume and was down.

Here I apologize to for what I did.

But the experience is really cool and satisfactory as a programmer and as a son.

Because it is a hacking script, I will not show it here, just google CURL and think about how it works.

P.S.  The PHP. CURL library is one of the most useful and powerful extension(mod) for PHP. It uses a lot server resources but delivers very powerful results with its fairly simple APIs provided. As you can see, CURL is a very good hacking tool (for guessing POST/GET and addresses of sites).

The dark-side of the Western Media(s)

Back in my memory, it was always the Chinese Government controlled media that lies, for the simple reason that they want to stay in power. I mean, that is totally reasonable since the stability of the country is perseved by such methods. However, the recent XinJiang Riot Incident (US. Uyghur Autonomous Region) made me change my views.

First of all, I admit that numbers are possibly changed by the government to maintain stability.

The U.S/European asshole medias, however, were just afraid that more people wouldn't be killed. So they changed the news with funny mistakes.

1. New York Times: There was a picture with a dude in hostpital that is tagged as a Uyghur.. But nooooo...that is a HAN chinese, he has a Han last name and a Han Face, and..he IS in fact Han.... Good BS skill by NYTimes again...And they refer to it as some Tiananmen Square spirit...IT IS NOT...

2. CNN: There was also a BS picture tagged as bunch of  Uyghurs got killed by a car and their body is everywhere.. No, that is simply a picture from the May,13 car accident happened in ShenZhen, China. And also an old woman standing in front of a lot Chinese Army. -->which is also BS.

Not that I support any side because of what happened, I am just very pissed off on how the big media LIES to the public.

OH YEA....Talking about HUMAN RIGHTS? I don't give a shit to those human rights people, because they cannot do SHIT about it... There are still millions of people starving in China, economy is wayy more important than the western "human rights".

A girl in my dream

There was a girl that appeared in my dream yesterday........ She was pretty, cute, and sweet...(yea yea yea...just like the other good dreams...) After all, she becomes my happiness for life, just like in the movies... It is just a dream too good to be true.... Now I'm wondering where she is.... But wait, aren't I in love right now... Should I not even thinking about that ?...I shouldn't. But I cannot stop myself from thinking about her...someone who I haven't met yet... Why did I have such a nice dream that I am not 'supposed' to have?...I wonder. Was it because what She said to me the day before that "I should re-think about our relationship" ?

Love is magical...and it destroys people...

Ah....I'm in a state of mind where I cannot control...

"Stop Thinking"...(about what...)

A very simple Music Libery Builder

My friend Ray was uploading some musics of his to his private network so he can listen to them anywhere he wants without sharing them. So I build wrote this simple PHP page for him to let him build a simple music player by just clicking: (Note: XSPF is the standard for MP3 playlists Details at
include 'SecurityChecking.php';
foreach($FileList as $file)
	$content.=""SOMEDIRECTORY.$file."\n"; //And other mp3 meta infos.
$fh = fopen($file, 'w+') or die("can't open file");
fwrite($fh, $content);
echo "Successful! Thanks to Edison.";
function filesInDir($tdir){
	$dirs = scandir($tdir);
        foreach($dirs as $file){
                if (($file == '.')||($file == '..')){}
                elseif (is_dir($tdir.'/'.$file))
	return $return;

Somethings I found interesting for PHP OOP

Having OOPed in PHP5 for a while, I have some things that PHP5 have made more convinient than other OOP supported languages. One is the variable variables feature of PHP to make the setters and getters.

for example, a getter could look like the following:

	public function get($att){
               return $this->{$att};
That is, instead of makings lots of get_att, just make one function to return the fields. By checking specific type, fields can be made private.
	public function get($att){
               if ($att!="password"){
                              return $this->{$att};
               } else {
                 throw new Execption("Restricted Property Cannot Be Returned");
And a client could be called as
try { echo $object->get($att);
} catch .....execption handling..etc.
as proper calls are made, the right field will be printed otherwise exceptions will be caught. Adding more(lots) if statements for different attributes may result the code running at a insignificantly slower speed but it may simply lose the purpose of doing it using variable variables. Similarly, a setter can look like the following:
	public function set($att,$new_value){
		$this->db->query("UPDATE `table` SET '$att'='$new_value' WHERE `id`='$id'");
In Java, a map will simply be used. -> well,~it is much less convinent than as in php*.

*Credit to Professor Sable.

Farewell, Engineering Building

Today is the last day students and faculties can use the engineering building (51 Astor Place, NY 10003). Even though I have only spent one year there, the memories of it is good. It has sufficient space for everyone and good entertainment services as well. In fact, it is where I spend 98% of the time at Cooper....

Its sad,

Farewell, 51 Astor Place, the lovely Engineeing Building of The Cooper Union.

Xiaonei Gateway Switcher v1.0 realeased

Update: THIS TOOL IS NOT DEPRECATED BY RENREN'S NEW METHOD OF DIVING TRAFFIC. IT NO LONGER WORKS. However, they seem to fix all the speed related problems too. Hoorayy~

This is a little plug-in that I've made for as part of my XN_Hack Tool Box Project.

The real usage of this gateway is that when you reach a "time-out" page on XN, you will use this tool to switch to another gateway.

This tool's effectiveness is known and is very effective in fact. However, why does it work? I'm not even completely sure.

To access this tool, (I used cache for this page so it will only update every 5mins, which I believe is a reasonable time frame)

The new Iphone 3GS

Yay, new Iphone! New Cheap Iphone!...Nha, it is not cheaper, though it is much better.

The new generation of iphone offers both software and hardware improvements, some key points are as follows: 0." The iPhone 3GS has a new processor built-in. Apple claims that it is up to two times faster than the previous generation: Launching messages is 2.1 faster, load the NY Times in Safari: 2.9 times faster. It also consumes less, which has an impact on the improved battery life."[Gizmodo] 1. 3M Camera, which is better than most mainstream phones in the U.S market. *still far from the 6-10MP of the Asian market. But with the software improvements that come with it the quality should increase in a noticeable amount 2. Support for 7.2 Mbps 3G standard. None of the current U.S. networks supports it, therefore, personally I think this is a feature for international users since new generations will be out by the time AT&T and such have it supported. 3. New graphic engine: better gaming experience. We will see it eventually beats PSP in handhold gaming.  Well, at least, DSI might have the ability to compete with it. 4. Magnetometer to use with map applications etc.. Use your imaginations to see what the application makers will do with it. I am totally expected to use this in app-games. 5. Increased battery life. Apple say its is 20%-50% better than 3G depending on what you do. Well, personally I believe that will be enough for most people since at least 5hrs(gaming non-stop) should be enough for a day, and just charge it ...lolz 6. Voice control. I think apple held this feature back because of the new shuffle.'s business that stops techonologies from happening sometimes.

New Price: $199 with contract for the lowest storage one, goes up by 100 each time you double the storage. AT&T Users: "Gizmodo:

If you are "a valued AT&T customer," AT&T offers an "early iPhone upgrade with a new 2-yr commitment and an $18 upgrade fee." The price? $399.00 for the 16GB iPhone 3G S and $499.00 for the 32GB iPhone 3G S. It gets worse: For non-qualified customers, including existing AT&T customers who want to upgrade from another phone or replace an iPhone 3G, the price with a new two-year agreement is $499 (8GB), $599 (16GB), or $699 (32GB).

Insane. Way to go AT&T."

For a complete coverage on iPhone 3GS, visit the following links [Gizmodo]:

iPhone 3GSiPhone 3GS Complete Feature GuideiPhone 3G vs. iPhone 3GS Comparison ChartiPhone 3GS Video Walkthrough (Quick 4-Minute Version)iPhone 3GS Gets Voice Control

Innovative Gaming Site:

Using flash combined with Web 2.0 design, Omgpop has made it innovative. aims at High School and College students to waste their time on their flash games.

These games are well designed:  fun, addicting, status saved, ranking system. Combined with the online community that havily uses AJAX technology, the games gives a very smooth user interface that is simple and elegant.

Things to do for summer...

It's summer again.....but this is a busy one. In fact, a much busier summer comapred to the previous one.

Why? Because I have more responsibility and wills now.

Some of things I've been doing so far are as follows:

  • Doing independent study for Data Structure and Algorithm class at Cooper. Although only a 2 (or 4 if I try really hard) credit class, it is an important one if I wish to continune on the programming track for my ECE degree.
  • Working at Cooper Union Computer Center. Doing nothing for $9.5/hr= Happiness.  (quoted from K.T)
  • Finishing up my This is my first independent PHP project. I'm trying really hard on this one, but a lack of experience makes me stuck on making important decisions for the design.
  • Leading Web Porject Group. Finally I've found a group of people (from cooper) to build some awesome websites. Hopefully we will get some real business down and earn some knowledge. As of now..its not working so well~sigh~
  • Of coz, hanging out with friends and families~ G.G.

Download without Installing - offers BT Download Online

[This article was first published at, please include this line as a respect for the author]

So I was at computer center, trying to download some file at mininova, I realized that I can't install BT Clients on school's computer, i figured the following: (Condition: No Chinese Input mechanism, No RAR uncompressor, No Admin Rights, Able to download in a temporary folder) 1. Google search Green Down, with preference language Simplified Chinese. 2. Download WinRar 3. Download Green Xunlei. 4. Download the Bittorrent File. -- -If blocked, use the proxy site, but very inefficient most of the times, since most proxies does not allow the user to directly downloading files. Result, 2MB/s speed `lolz.........dl finished within 30s~lolz..

Later in the day, becuase my programming language class was cancelled, i figured to dl again, but this time, i realize that all my previous work are gone since everything i did was temperoary,

But then I found this site: It is extemely easy to use: Open the website, put in the address for your torrent, and choose a destination, that's it! The site will open a java applet and start downloading your file.

This should work for most internet-cafes and school computers since they proberly have not blocked the ports.


Edison Wang@CU computer center.

Cooper Union's 2nd impression at its student reception.

Created Friday, 25 April 2008 14:44

"Everyone seems so happy!" said my dad, "and it looks nothing like you described before."

Yea, that's right. Most people we saw at the student reception were happy, which gave people really good first impression about the school.

I must say, also, most people we saw that's not a tour guy/girl were studying. Studying is probably what they do the most. In fact, one of the tour guy was suggesting the freshmen to bring a printer if living at the dorms. Why? Because " you will frequently needed to print out stuff at 5a.m, so you don't want to use the printers in library, which closes at 10 pm (the day before. lolz).

Despite the fact that they were happy, both the current students and faculties were really nice. They seem harmless. Some people say that's because they are just nerds, but no, they are just pure, and focused.

Students are competitive, like...really! Two out of 4 of the people I know already from Class 2012 are both the valedictorian of their schools. This year they say its the toughest in Cooper's history, with a overall acceptance rate of 1/12 (8%), which is close, and even lower than those ivy schools. (School of Architecture has only 3.5%!)

Expenses without tuition is still about $20,000. Living at mid-town Manhattan, this is a fair price. But it didn't take me long to convince my parents to let me live there for the first year, though I doubt I might have to move back to Queens, or even Brooklyn after my freshman year. The surrounding of Cooper is a very lively place: SOHO, Chinatown, City Hall, and lots of attractions and markets are nearby. Since it's at the lower center of Manhattan, going to the other boroughs is also very convinent.

Overall, Cooper is a competitive, supportive, and nice! (yes, let's use the simple terms)

Inspired by Carl ...Slowing down ur clock

Life hacker Verison: Slow Down in a World Built for Speed

Created Wednesday, 20 August 2008 22:10

If u think slowing down is bad, watch this video.

I was very inspired by this video which gave me the very revolutionary idea- Slowing down in a world built for Speed. Author Carl Honore talked about the goodness of slowing down: Slowing down on dating will make relationship go deeper. Slowing down on working will give u time to achieve creativity. Slowing down on solving a problem will let u think more, observe more, and do more, on more aspects of the problem and even make better decisions. Moreover, eating slower- such as enjoying a family meal with the TV shut off, will make ur life quaily much better.

So, despite the fact that most things are speeding up, such as speed dailing, speed dating, and even speed yoga, are becoming more popular among people in the U.S. Some other countries are slowing down, such as Italy, Norway, Sweednland, etc.. And they are as competitive as the U.S. economically and have the same production while working much less.

Why? Because taking ur time might result better productivity as well....

Edion Wang

[10/17/08] Life In Cooper Intro

Life:~~~~ Located in the heart of East Villiage, is definately one of the best place to live! Within 5min of walking, you get : Coffee: 3 Starbucks within 2min of walking, which is kinda OD,~ and DDs. Chain-Supermarket: K-mart/Woodsales Chain-Pharmacy stores: 3 DRs, Rite Aid...-  -~too many ..lolz. Office Supplies: Staples, Best Buy (15min walking for this one) Food: 20+Japanese Resturants, Plenty of korean and chinese resturants around; plenty of cheap pizza place, many candle light romatic places, and..yea..we have Gand Sichuan for Hunanese food here! Clothes: Gap, Aldo, Footlocker, etc.. 12min walking to Union Square where they have AEs, BNs, etc...~~ Delivery: USPS, UPS, Fedex all around~~lolz.. Subways:  6(15min to 42nd street for 7, or down to brooklyn bridge passing by China Town,  ), N (Queens Center?) R W Q ~...yea... Schools around: We can use NYU's resources and it is around cooper! CUNY baruch and hunter are very close as well~ Work Load: its really not that much,~idk. ~its being a mystery that people think we get too much work. No, definately managable. However, compare to my fds in other colleges, Cooper is an insane place. ~you really have to work hard to get things done. But you will still have plenty of time to do other things...

Grading and others: HARSH!..  I remember i got a 94 on my chem test, and only three people got higher than me, was considered to be an B...- - ~kinda too hard isnt it ~......And ..English class is the worst, Cs.....lolz.. Other than that, Teachers are really willing to help. All of them have office hours and you can just come by~ and....yea.....they are very helpful~

Atomsphere: People with each other! The stable on other's back havnt happen yet~ its a great place with Geniuses around.!

Why? Is this necessary?

Created Monday, 14 April 2008 16:23

So, Why did I make this website?

The story goes back to my birthday (Mar 17), when I wanted to do something special for myself. So I searched the domains and find EdisonWang.Com actually available. Thinking that I still have Skyvsky to manage, I gave up my thought, until last week, Skyvskywas shut down due to my unpaid payment (credit card expired). Yesterday, April 13, I finally decided to buy this domain. After 4 hours of working, I finished its structures using the powerful Joomla!. It allows me to put lots and lots of extensions to my site and having a very complicated CMS.

Anyways, to keep everything simple, I think the site will be divided into a few parts, with the following two as main sites. 1. Www.EdisonWang.Com:  Blog, News, Resume Posting, and Links. 2. Friend.EdisonWang.Com: Site to share temporary files with friends. 3. My wikipedia site for school work. Even though addressed in my previous article, I still want to clarify my purpose of making this site: Social, Entertainment, Blogging, Advertising, and learning web development with this lively example.